135368602017READBOOK#02 | DATE FINISHED: February 4, 2017

I am still overwhelmed with the last pages of the book. I can’t write a review of this without spoiling you guys so please bear with me…

The marriage is expected… luxurious honeymoon and adventures and travels. So it’s a good honeymoon for the couple indeed. Ana’s stubbornness makes Christian mad at all times, but its working as he’s slowly turning to be a better man, yet still control freak. But Ana can still tolerate it, so it isn’t big issue after all.

There are lots of things to think about the last book. So there was new work for Ana or company, changing her name, meeting Leila and Sussanah, Dr. Geenee’s missed appointments, Ray’s accident, Jack Hyde, let’s not forget Gia, I really want this scene on the big screen. And there was the Aspen adventure. Mia and Ethan and Kate and Elliot, seriously? Three couples?!?! And to end the story, there was Ana saving Mia. She’s very brave to decide impulsively, but loving, indeed, coz she did care of the whole Grey family. Isn’t it amazing? The ‘talk’ as Ana calls it is really a revelation. So, Elena did good things for Christian afterall. But Linc action at the latter part is annoying. But can we blame him? And Christian’s revenge as acceptable, for me.

Well, the marriage as I’ve said is expected, but Ted and Phoebe is another story. I guess, I want to see how they make it emotional on the big screen.

The last part of Christian POV is entertaining, was thinking now if I’ll be reading the book. But for the meantime, I guess I need to jump on light reading because the gross-unending-sex-scenes still bothers me as of this moment. I read this last book less than a week, record breaking because I usually read a book minimum of two week, coz got a lot things to do. Work and paperwork and my-son’s-studies, so I am a slow-reader. But I was able to finish this shortly (for me), because I’ve skipped more than half of the book because it was just craps… So final rating? For the single book, story: 3/5; and writing 1/5. But for the whole series, it’s a different talk. Writing would be 1.5/5 and the story would be 3.5/5. That would be fair I guess, for an erotic book. So that’s it! I was able to read the trilogy. So bye Christian and Ana! See you on the big screen next time!


fifty_shades_darker_book_cover2017readbook#01 | Date Finished: January 27, 2017 

What can I say? Well? There should only be less than hundred pages for the whole story. The nice parts I should say. And the remaining half a thousand pages are just some crap. I’m sorry for being blunt. But it’s real. The grossness of the second book is far way than the previous book. So, another separate review for the story and writing again.

So the sex-scenes-grossness-level-up-is-another-story. In all chapters, seriously?!?! But then, what to expect on this genre of book? I had the guts to read because I don’t want to be lost-on-scene on the upcoming movie. And well, that ‘kilig-factor’ is still there. Buying a company just to watch over your love-one, well another level. ‘Because I can….’ just sweet! I just want to focus on the good side of the book, but I know it’s impossible. So let me try to write a review on both.

There’s a lot of things to digest on this book. So where to start? The good ones or the bad ones? I would start on the good ones, I guess. So there was the new work for Ana, the back-to-each-others-arms drama, the revelation of Christians past, the engagement-without-ring, Ethan and Mia, Elliot and Kathy going-strong-relationship, Grace-now-knows-everything… Ray and Christian cellphone talk. May I add The Grace voyage? Just disregard the love-making-scene on it, and it’s a perfect getaway for a couple like them I think. Let’s add the other heroes, aside from Taylor there was Sawyer and Ros… Hooray for these guys! And of course, the love confessions. Ana loves Christian, we know that since book one, but Christian admission is another big scene. And his willingness to-be-in-sub-mode is one sweet thing, on my point of view. And fort that, yeah I found it sweet.

So the bad ones… There was Leila. Creepy Leila and her connection to Ana and Christian’s mom and the other ex-subs. Really creepy. And there was Elena’s real feelings, or should I use intention, for Christian, it’s dismaying. I was then expecting they would be friends with Ana. And of course there was Jack! Poor Charlie Tango… Oh, what will he do on the third book? Well, I can’t wait to find out.

I should have summarize the whole book in a single book review, but then it would be a bad move coz I know some of the readers of this are maybe-planning-to-read this book too. So I just pointed out the things I want, for me to remember what happened on this before I jump on the third one. I know, I know my write-up is a mess, not just for this but also with the previous, but it’s because I don’t want to spoil the book for the sake of new readers. So please bear with me… And for rating, as ever .5 for the writing style and 3.5 for the story…. Yeah, so for now….? “Laters baby”… 🙂


10818853Book Title: Fifty Shades of Grey (Book#1) | Series Title: Fifty Shades of Grey | Author: EL James | EDITION: First Vintage Books Edition, Paperback | Status: Owned | Reading Time: January 1-14, 2016

It’s a three-long-week for me to finish this book. I just decided to give it a try to read this out of curiosity coz I have watched the movie. So the movie-is-much-like-with-the-book. And my thought remains the same.

The love-struck-affair is genuine. A guy who fell inlove with an ordinary girl. And he almost changed himself for her. A romantic story. It’s just that it is on erotic-genre that makes this book bad. The sex scenes really is unbearable. So for you to enjoy the book, never mind those scenes and focus on the love story.

I should not elaborate more on the story coz majority of you who’s reading this review had watched or read the movie already. So I am just here now to give my rating. And I hope it will be reasonable enough to give a separate rating on the style of writing and the story.

I am giving an 3.5 out of 5 stars for the story coz its really realistic. Though materialistic for others, but as Christian says he can afford and wanted to spend on his way, and it happened to be for Ana, so be it. We cant blame Ana’s character too for accepting those ‘on-loans’ as they call it. Its just sad on the later part that they parted ways because of incompatibility. But the so-called-love is there, to both of them I know. Its just that they cant change themselves, yet, I guess.

Maybe yeah, its my first time to give 1/5 stars on the writing style. I just hope this type of story isn’t on this genre. The sex scenes and wordings and redundancy and numerous-almost-the-same-sex-scenes is really unbearable, for me. So skipped a lot of these scenes for me to move on interesting chapters, and I succeeded.

Some maybe saying I am not open-minded, I guess you’re right. Coz I am only interested on the story and disturbed on the way how it writes, but I cant deny that coz this isn’t my genre of books. At least I gave myself a try. I’ll be reading the remaining two books, but not for now I guess. So maybe that’s all for now. May I used then one of my-found-romantic-line as I end this? Laters baby… 🙂


Its really mine. What? Yeah, mine. Given. An unexpected gift.

FIFTY SHADES OF GREY by EL James – Thanks Vilmer Ribac.

Yeah, i promised myself not to place this series on my shelf coz i dont have any plan buying it myself. But unexpectedly, a student of mine gave me this whole series. And so i guess i have no choice but to add this three controversial books… and also add to my TBR list… 🙂 😉